Towards Grace
"I have a question. You were raised in a PCA church…?” my interviewer asked. I think that they half-expect me to renounce my childhood. The question is unspoken, but I answer anyway. “Yeah, I was. While I understand the value of various denominational structures, I don’t actually believe in denominations. The way that they exist in the United States tends to cause tension and division, while the Bible clearly calls for there to be unity within the church. I’ve gone to a Presbyterian Church of America, a Methodist preschool, a Southern Baptist church, a nondenominational church, an interdenominational church, and in Austria I go to an Evangelical Free Church. I don’t feel the need to agree 100% with the doctrine of a specific denomination in order to find community there, to be loved, and to love others.” For those of you who don’t know: YAV is part of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A., which is considered more liberal and left leaning. They ordain women and are open to a...