Towards Balancing Identities
I just got back from Austria! I spent two weeks there with my mom, seeing family and friends, enjoying the mountains and lakes, and eating lots of good food! Here are two things that I learned about in my time there: 1) Identity For as long as I can remember, I've struggled to feel "Austrian enough." I'm not visibly and identifiably different. I'm white, don't have a foreign accent, and grew up in the US so I don't have any super strange international quirks. Unless I tell people, they don't assume I have any other significant cultural heritage. When I do tell people that I'm Austrian, they often interrogate me, making me prove it to them. Where you born there? Did you live there? Have you been there? Do you have their passport? Do you speak the language? This last semester, my counselor and I had a conversation. It was clear that the acceptance of others was a vain pursuit. So aspects of being Austrian were important to me?...