Towards Worship (Part 2)

After performing a liturgical dance in January at the request of the pastor of that church, I decided I wanted to build a little repertoire. I enjoyed the process of creation and performance so much that wanted to do it again! Maybe inspired by the melody that the church bells next door chime each day, I decided that my next dance would be to "Be Thou My Vision."

While talking to my housemates, Nate told me that he used to love playing that song on the guitar. I invited us to collaborate and perform for the summer Presbytery meeting.

While we couldn't perform at Presbytery because it was virtual due to COVID-19, we were in charge of the FPC Hammond Pentecost service, so we had another platform! See our performance here!

Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with timbrel and harp. 
Psalm 149:3

Working on my dance turned into a spiritual discipline for me. It was often difficult to make the time to work on it. Also, as someone not trained in dance or choreography in any professional manner, I found myself often at a loss for where to go next or how to improve the choreography. I would get really frustrated and just lie on the floor. Getting up again and continuing on became a work of faith.

My joy came from being able to work with Nate. I appreciated his calm presences, dedication, and beautiful guitar playing. Even more so, I appreciated being able to share sacred worship with one of my housemates.

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.
Matthew 18:20

Thank you Nate! Thank you Sarah for always recording my dances! Thank you Konrad for your feedback and help! Thank you FPC Hammond for allowing me the space for my own worship expression!


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