Towards My Future

I have exciting news about the future!

I'm going to be staying in New Orleans for another year! In the last year, there have been so many ways that I wanted to be further involved in this city and community, but haven't had the chance because of my time commitments to the YAV program. New Orleans is a culturally unique and vibrant city that has so much to offer and to teach. I'm excited to try new dance classes, be more involved in my church community, and explore new parts of the city! I welcome visitors!

Because of the travel ban in effect for the PC(USA) church, the next YAV year will not start until January. Thanks to Dan, the YAV Board, and the Presbytery of Southern Louisiana, I will be allowed to stay in the Big Green House rent-free through the end of December, saving beaucoup bucks!

The most exciting part of the news, in my opinion, is that I will be staying on at Eden House, hired as the Program Administrator. I've learned so much during my time at Eden House and that learning is not over. I'm looking forward to seeing various things I've been working on come full circle, to taking on more responsibility, and to expanding my role.

I'm incredibly lucky to have been at Eden House at a time of expansion, where new jobs are being created and are available. I also recognize that as a middle/upper class white woman, I had the privilege to take an underpaid position for a year to build my professional network that poor individuals and many people of color are not in the position to do. In fact, there were only 4 out of 50 people of color in our incoming class of YAVs this year. Within my new position, I'm committed to recognizing and undoing racism that is within my power to address.


At the beginning of this year, I chose to title each post with the word "towards" to demonstrate that this year was about a journey rather than accomplishment. I can't check joy or power or humility off a checklist, but they must be things that I am continually working towards.

Similarly, I'm thrilled to be able to continue the journey that I started in New Orleans and at Eden House. The YAV portion of my journey may be over, but I'm not yet ready to step away from this city or incredible organization.

The next portion of my journey will entail making my life more my own, shedding the parts of the past year that did not serve me and becoming more independent as I form my own life.

The conclusion of the YAV program does not signal an end for me, or even a new beginning, but a smooth and subtle transition towards my future.


  1. Congrats Kristina on the newish job! Will you be starting a new blog for all your fans? :)


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