Towards Gratitude

Thank you.

You are my God, and I will praise you;
you are my God, and I will exalt you.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
Psalm 118:28-29

As a young child, my favorite band was Point of Grace. To this day, I still have their songs and melodies memorized. One song is called, "Do It Again" and here is the first stanza:

Just when I think it couldn't be
Any harder down here,
Another blow comes out of nowhere
And knocks me out again.
And when I think I'm all alone,
The phone starts to ring;
It's just the voice I needed to hear
On the other end.

I used to think, "How cool would that be? If all of sudden the phone rang and it was a friend who told me exactly what I needed to hear in that moment." But I didn't really believe that that would happen to me. Not that I didn't think God was capable, but maybe I thought I wasn't special enough.

But that's what happened today. Not once, not twice, but three times.

This afternoon, I lay down for a nap, as I so often do. Three minutes after, though, my phone started to ring. It was a friend from Elon. She was just calling to see how I was doing. To chat. As we spoke, I was able to describe a situation in my life (related to the YAV program) where I was praying for wisdom and discernment. I also described certain stresses that were causing me anxiety. She encouraged me in love and in the Lord. I didn't know who to talk to and she called. She reminded me of God's truth that helped to calm my soul.

Thank you, Maddie.

Later that evening, I got an email. It was from someone who I had just met. We had met the previous week over gelato as I described the YAV program and asked for financial support. Our discussion took many tangents to interesting, thought-provoking topics and filled my spirit with joy. His email included the generous financial amount that he had decided to donate. I had been worried about meeting my goal. I had been exhausted by the efforts to raise support. But God provided! I'm not completely there yet, but it seems attainable!

Thank you, Mark.

Even later that evening, I got another email. This time from someone who I had known as a very young child. A few weeks ago, I gave her a call and we chatted. She was so enthusiastic about my love for God and the path that I am taking. Hearing that excitement about me from someone who I haven't spoken with in two decades lifted my soul. Tonight she had read my blog and took the time to respond in an email, exactly like what I said encourages me! I love seeing that people have read my blog, I love knowing their thoughts on what I post, and I love hearing their support.

Thank you, Judy.

These are not the only people who have reached out to encourage and support me recently. But they happened quickly in succession, which helped me to realize that it is God's hand at work. God reminding me of the incredible community I have around me.

I often doubt. I often get discouraged. I often feel alone.

But tonight was a reminder that I'm not alone.

I would not be able to do what I do (and I haven't even done anything yet!) without the people that God has put in my life. Y'all are the reason I can serve in the capacity that I do.

Thank you to my community of supporters. Thank you to my readers. Thank you to those of you who have made a financial contribution. Thank you to those of you who are praying for me. Thank you to those of you who call me up and write me to encourage me. Thank you to those of you who listen to my dilemmas and frustrations. Thank you to those of you who redirect me again to God.

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1:3-6


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